Nuestro socio director D. Pancho Peleteiro moderó una de las mesas del Congreso de la Asociación Española de Derecho Marítimo. El Congreso reunía una característica especial, ya que celebraba el 75 aniversario de la Asociación. Con este motivo se honró a todos los ex presidentes de la misma, como, entre otros, a D Ignacio Arroyo, D. Alejandro García Sedano y D. Eduardo Albors.
Pancho Peleteiro, le agradece al presidente D. Carlos López Quiroga la confianza depositada en su persona un año más. La mesa de debate que le tocó coordinar cerraba el Congreso y tuvo la responsabilidad de moderar a 4 referentes del sector pesquero como son el catedrático D. José Manuel Sobrino, el presidente de Cepesca, D. Julio Morón, Dñ. Laura Rodriguez, directora de MSC en España y Portugal y a D. Daniel Voces, director de Europeche Bruselas.
Aprovechamos la presente entrada para felicitar a todo el equipo organizador del Congreso y a la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Española de Derecho Marítimo, con su presidente a la cabeza, por el éxito del mismo.
Our managing partner Mr. Pancho Peleteiro moderated one of the tables of the Congress of the Spanish Maritime Law Association. The Congress had a special feature because it celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Association. On this occasion, all the former presidents of the Association were honored, such as, among others, Mr. Ignacio Arroyo, Mr. Alejandro García Sedano and Mr. Eduardo Albors.
D. Pancho Peleteiro, thanked the president Mr. Carlos López Quiroga for the confidence placed in his person one more year. The debate table that he had to coordinate closed the Congress and had the responsibility of moderating 4 referents of the fishing sector such as the professor Mr. José Manuel Sobrino, the president of Cepesca, Mr. Julio Moron, Ms. Laura Rodriguez, director of MSC, and Mr. Laura Rodriguez, director of MSC. Laura Rodriguez, director of MSC in Spain and Portugal and Mr. Daniel Voces, director of Europeche Brussels.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the organizers of the Congress and the Board of Directors of the Spanish Maritime Law Association, with its president at the head, for the success of the Congress.
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