+34 981 122 066 cus@abogadoszyp.com


Zamorano&Peleteiro Abogados is a law firm that has been developing, from La Coruña, its activity of legal advice and representation at an international level for 30 years. The law firm is made up of professionals with multidisciplinary training and proven experience in multiple sectors (financial, insurance, maritime, port, transport, construction, telecommunications, health, industrial…), with a vocation to achieve maximum satisfaction for our clients, with a global management.

Our main lines of action are directed to the business and institutional world and to the professional and sectorial associations. We have a high professional valuation for the actions carried out in fields such as bankruptcy and corporate activity and the one developed in the field of transport, especially maritime and port.

Our main clients develop their activity in the financial, insurance, shipping, port services, telecommunications, fishing or textile sectors, both from companies and from public and private associations.

We have extensive international experience, which extends to the representation and defense of matters throughout the European Union, basically in Ireland, United Kingdom and Germany, but also in Turkey, Yemen, Angola, Guinea, South Africa and Panama.


A fundamental principle of our law firm is to be at the forefront, in terms of continuous updating and training, to the professionals of the firm, to adapt to new developments in the legal system, doctrine, and jurisprudence, as well as the practice and complexity of the current legal and fiscal situation of the business world.

We are aware that the agility in our response is essential for the success of our clients, but never putting it before the quality for an expert advice in the service provided. Prior to making decisions and taking on a matter, the firm prepares a legal report of feasibility and strategy, as well as a budget, so that the client knows the main actions to be developed by the firm, the chances of success and its cost.

Our clients and our track record are our best reference.

Proof of this is the significant number of companies for which our law firm in Coruña is a legal advisor on an internal and/or daily basis.


New Field

Si lo prefiere, puede contactar con nosotros a través de la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: cus@abogadoszyp.com, a través del teléfono de contacto (+34) 981 122 066 / (+34) 981 902 324, o a través del fax (+34) 981 913 585.

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Al hacer clic en el botón "Enviar mensaje", usted declara conocer y comprender la política de privacidad de Zamorano&Peleteiro Abogados, SL.

Zamorano&Peleteiro Abogados

Zamorano y Peleteiro, abogados galicia, abogados coruña

Nuestro despacho lo integran un grupo muy experimentado de profesionales, preparados para dar solución a los problemas jurídicos de nuestros clientes, donde los necesite.

Nuestro despacho cuenta con 30 años de experiencia en todos los ámbitos empresariales, con particular atención a las finanzas, aseguradoras, sector marítimo y aquellas materias concursales.

Información de contacto

Para cualquier duda o sugerencia, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Despacho Coruña:

Cantón Grande Nº 6: 15003 La Coruña (SPAIN).

Tlfns: (+34) 981 122 066 / (+34) 981 902 324


Despacho Bilbao:

C/ Diputación nº 8 – 3º 48008 – Bilbao (SPAIN).

Tlfn: 944 022 034



Fax: (+34) 981 913 585
